18 research outputs found

    Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) and Commodity Security Protocols: Introduction and Integration

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    We present an overview of quantum key distribution (QKD), a secure key exchange method based on the quantum laws of physics rather than computational complexity. We also provide an overview of the two most widely used commodity security protocols, IPsec and TLS. Pursuing a key exchange model, we propose how QKD could be integrated into these security applications. For such a QKD integration we propose a support layer that provides a set of common QKD services between the QKD protocol and the security applicationsComment: 12Page

    Rainbow Band Separation is Better than we Thought

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    Currently the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is engaged in a post-quantum standardization effort, analyzing numerous candidate schemes to provide security against the advancing threat of quantum computers. Among the candidates in the second round of the standardization process is Rainbow, a roughly 15 year old digital signature scheme based on multivariate systems of equations. While there are many attack avenues for Rainbow, the parameters have to date seemed balanced in such a way to make every attack sufficiently costly that it meets the security levels specified by NIST in their standardization effort. One type of attack against Rainbow has historically outperformed empirically its theoretical complexity: the Rainbow Band Separation (RBS) attack. We explain this discrepancy by providing a tighter theoretical analysis of the attack complexity. While previous analyses assumed that the system of equations derived in the attack are generic, our analysis uses the fact that they are structured to justify tighter bounds on the complexity. As a result, we can prove under the same set of assumptions used to justify the analysis in the Rainbow submission specification that none of the parameters of Rainbow achieve their claimed security level. Specifically, the level I, III and V parameter sets fall short of their claimed security levels by at least 3, 6 and 10 bits, respectively. We then apply our analysis to suggest the small parameter changes necessary to guarantee that Rainbow can meet the NIST security levels

    Vulnerabilities of ``McEliece in the World of Escher

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    Recently, Gligoroski et al. proposed code-based encryption and signature schemes using list decoding, blockwise triangular private keys, and a nonuniform error pattern based on ``generalized error sets. The general approach was referred to as \emph{McEliece in the World of Escher.} This paper demonstrates attacks which are significantly cheaper than the claimed security level of the parameters given by Gligoroski et al. We implemented an attack on the proposed 80-bit parameters which was able to recover private keys for both encryption and signatures in approximately 2 hours on a single laptop. We further find that increasing the parameters to avoid our attack will require parameters to grow by almost an order of magnitude for signatures, and (at least) two orders of magnitude for encryption

    Breaking Category Five SPHINCS+ with SHA-256

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    SPHINCS+^+ is a stateless hash-based signature scheme that has been selected for standardization as part of the NIST post-quantum cryptography (PQC) standardization process. Its security proof relies on the distinct-function multi-target second-preimage resistance (DM-SPR) of the underlying keyed hash function. The SPHINCS+^+ submission offered several instantiations of this keyed hash function, including one based on SHA-256. A recent observation by Sydney Antonov on the PQC mailing list demonstrated that the construction based on SHA-256 did not have DM-SPR at NIST category five, for several of the parameter sets submitted to NIST; however, it remained an open question whether this observation leads to a forgery attack. We answer this question in the affirmative by giving a complete forgery attack that reduces the concrete classical security of these parameter sets by approximately 40 bits of security. Our attack works by applying Antonov\u27s technique to the {WOTS+^+} public keys in {\SPHINCS}, leading to a new one-time key that can sign a very limited set of hash values. From that key, we construct a slightly altered version of the original hypertree with which we can sign arbitrary messages, yielding signatures that appear valid

    An Asymptotically Optimal Structural Attack on the ABC Multivariate Encryption Scheme

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    Historically, multivariate public key cryptography has been less than successful at offering encryption schemes which are both secure and efficient. At PQCRYPTO \u2713 in Limoges, Tao, Diene, Tang, and Ding introduced a promising new multivariate encryption algorithm based on a fundamentally new idea: hiding the structure of a large matrix algebra over a finite field. We present an attack based on subspace differential invariants inherent to this methodology. The attack is is a structural key recovery attack which is asymptotically optimal among all known attacks (including algebraic attacks) on the original scheme and its generalizations

    Improved Cryptanalysis of HFEv- via Projection

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    The HFEv- signature scheme is one of the most studied multivariate schemes and one of the major candidates for the upcoming standardization of post-quantum digital signature schemes. In this paper, we propose three new attack strategies against HFEv-, each of them using the idea of projection. Especially our third attack is very effective and is, for some parameter sets, the most efficient known attack against HFEv-. Furthermore, our attack requires much less memory than direct and rank attacks. By our work, we therefore give new insights in the security of the HFEv- signature scheme and restrictions for the parameter choice of a possible future standardized HFEv- instance

    When Frodo Flips: End-to-End Key Recovery on FrodoKEM via Rowhammer

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    In this work, we recover the private key material of the FrodoKEM key exchange mechanism as submitted to the NIST Post Quantum Cryptography (PQC) standardization process. The new mechanism that allows for this is a Rowhammer-assisted \emph{poisoning} of the FrodoKEM Key Generation (KeyGen) process. The Rowhammer side-channel is a hardware-based security exploit that allows flipping bits in DRAM by “hammering” rows of memory adjacent to some target-victim memory location by repeated memory accesses. Using Rowhammer, we induce the FrodoKEM software to output a higher-error Public Key (PK), (A,B=AS+E~),(\mathbf{A}, \mathbf{B} = \mathbf{A}\mathbf{S}+\mathbf{\widetilde{E}}), where the error E~\widetilde{\mathbf{E}} is modified by Rowhammer. Then, we perform a decryption failure attack, using a variety of publicly-accessible supercomputing resources running on the order of only 200,000 core-hours. We delicately attenuate the decryption failure rate to ensure that the adversary\u27s attack succeeds practically, but so honest users cannot easily detect the manipulation. Achieving this public key poisoning requires an extreme engineering effort, as FrodoKEM\u27s KeyGen runs on the order of 8 milliseconds. (Prior Rowhammer-assisted attacks against cryptography require as long as 8 hours of persistent access.) In order to handle this real-world timing condition, we require a wide variety of prior and brand new, low-level engineering techniques, including e.g. memory massaging algorithms -- i.e. Feng Shui -- and a precisely-targeted performance degradation attack on the extendable output function SHAKE. We explore the applicability of our techniques to other lattice-based KEMs in the NIST PQC Round 3 candidate-pool, e.g. Kyber, Saber, etc, as well as the difficulties that arise in the various settings. To conclude, we discuss various simple countermeasures to protect implementations against this, and similar, attacks